SPICA connects employees of Dutch companies to partners in Moshi, Arusha and Dar-es-Salaam in Tanzania.
Achmea is one such company. The Achmea Insurance Group is one of the largest insurance suppliers and financial services providers in The Netherlands and employs 14,500 staff. The Achmea Foundation grew out of Achmea’s origins as a cooperative. Over the past 10 years, the Achmea Foundation has invested in initiatives in the Netherlands and in rural areas in majority world countries that have improved socio-economic conditions on the basis of cooperation and solidarity.
Achmea volunteer experts share knowledge during assignments in Tanzania. These assignments are initiated, organised and locally supported by SPICA International Corporate Volunteering.
SEVIA (Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable Industry of Africa) contributes to the development of the vegetable industry in Africa and hence to food security. SEVIA holds demonstrations on farms for farmers in different regions of Tanzania on improving cultivation, increasing yields and improving the quality of their vegetable production. Seeing is believing!
Maaike Blansjaar, HR Policy Advisor at Achmea Insurance Group: “I gave leadership training to a group of extension officers and office staff at SEVIA. I enjoyed the contact I had with the participants and was impressed by their eagerness to learn and to share their knowledge.”
Africado is an agricultural company that grows and exports avocados. The farm is based in north Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Africado has provided an alternative cash crop to coffee, the traditional crop of the region. Global price fluctuations have meant that coffee growing has declined because of poor returns.
Jacomina Baatje, HR Business Partner at Achmea Insurance Group: “I gave a three day course on communications, motivation, dealing with resistance and so on. I met a group of people who were very eager to learn and to exchange experiences. It was heartwarming and very satisfactory to work with such a motivated group.”
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre is located in the foothills of snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro. KCMC is a referral hospital that serves over 15 million people in Northern Tanzania. The hospital is a large complex with facilities for up to 800 patients with 630 hospital beds, 90 canvas beds, and 40 baby incubators. Apart from patients, the hospital counts 1,300 staff members, 2,000 students, and 1,000 visitors and companions every day.
Milou Tenhagen, Data Analyst at Achmea Insurance Group: “It’s amazing to see how healthcare professionals can add so much value with minimal resources. I am lucky to have had this opportunity to experience home visits and be part of this special programme. At the same time, it makes me appreciate the well-developed healthcare system in the Netherlands much more!”
Rachel Bosman, Policy Developer at Achmea Insurance Group “Although I have travelled the world, my two-week assignment at the KCMC in Tanzania was a whole new experience. It ranged from a hot day spent in the doctor’s office at my laptop, to a home care visit in a local village with the palliative care team. It was an enriching experience for both my professional life as well as at a personal level.”
Oikos East Africa is a Tanzanian NGO, founded in 1999 and based in Arusha. OIKOS aims to promote the protection of biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources as tools to fight against poverty and boost socio-economic development.
The principle behind OIKOS’ work is that sound environmental conservation strategies can guarantee health and wellness to current and future generations, increase the economic independence of vulnerable communities and tackle climate change.
TAWREF is a national organization using community driven interventions to transform the lives of marginalized populations particularly children, youth and women. Marginalization could be caused by abject poverty, impact of diseases such as HIV and AIDS, orphanhood, disabilities and other causes leading to stresses and trauma.
East West Seed is an international tropical vegetable seed company that focusses on small farmers in tropical countries. Their mission is to provide innovative products and services that will help increase the income of vegetable farmers, and to promote growth and quality of the tropical vegetable industry. One of their main values is to provide better seeds for a better yield, assisting famers to increase their efficiency.
Together with Rijk Zwaan and Wageningen University, East West Seeds founded SEVIA. SEVIA (Seeds of Expertise for the Vegetable Industry in Africa) is a training organization for small famers in Tanzania.

CCBRT (Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania) is the largest rehabilitation- and disability service provider in Tanzania. Focus areas are ophthalmology, orthopaedic and rehabilitation, plastic- and reconstructive surgery, and maternal- and newborn health services. CCBRT operates the country’s largest obstetric fistula programme and leads in cleft lip/palate and clubfoot treatments.
Abel van Willigen, Compliance & Operational Risk Manager at Achmea Insurance Group “CCBRT employees and management told and showed me their gratitude for doing this assignment concerning Policy Framework. They were very happy with the results and output delivered. Meaning that the goals have been achieved ! It’s now up to CCBRT to make the next steps in their policy process. I am sure they can, and will do it !“.