TAWREF is a national organization using community driven interventions to transform the lives of marginalized populations particularly children, youth and women. Marginalization could be caused by abject poverty, impact of diseases such as HIV and AIDS, orphanhood, disabilities and other causes leading to stresses and trauma.
Dafrosa Itemba, Director TAWREF:
“…Rob Kempen has been an amazing volunteer to TAWREF. Our organization and partners will see us moving towards increased efficiency and professionalism. This has been a good start. Kindly send us more volunteers so that we keep learning how to do things differently…”.
Asante sana / Danke velle to Rob
Dafrosa Itemba
Rob Kempen, Associate M&A at Achmea:
“…Even for professionals with a lot of (international) experience, SPICA offers challenging opportunities to develop personalities at a different level where no ordinary training can compete with…”.